New Social Networks for 2022

Here's a listing of new and emerging social networks to investigate in 2022. There are sites for building professional relationships, messaging in real-time, sharing experiences through audio, and exploring augmented reality. A few of these networks provide ad-free environments with enhanced privacy.
Octi is the newest social network that utilizes Augmented Reality to connect people in real-time. Members can create videos by using objects and scenes , and earn Octi Coins when they engage with others. Octi is supported by Live Nation, the global entertainment Inflact business.
Clubhouse is a well-known social audio platform where users can participate in discussions on any subject. Topics are discussed in real-time. On Clubhouse members can just sit in silence and listen, or raise their hand to chime in, or host their own rooms. It was initially an iOS app and invite-only, in 2021 Clubhouse introduced an Android app that was then released out of beta, and is now open to all.
CloutHub is an ad-free online site for civic, social, and political empowerment and engagement. Join intelligent discussions and debates. Explore and share content. Join groups. Get information on the latest news and access to useful information. Make a plan to tackle the issues that affect you.
Twitter Spaces
Spaces is a new expansion of Twitter to convert live audio. Twitter now offers the ability to host a Space to all accounts with 500 or more subscribers. Spaces are for conversational conversations that are small and intimate or large discussions that involve thousands of listeners. When you join a Space allows listeners to respond by emojis, browse tweeted tweets that are pinned, follow by captions tweet , or direct-message the Space or request to talk.
HalloApp is a brand new social network app designed for family and friends as well as colleagues. It is free of ads and does not store or use any personal information. A telephone number connects users. Chats are encrypted from beginning to endnobody else is able to access them, not even the personnel of HalloApp.
Polywork is a social professional platform that allows invite-only beta users to create a free personal web page, publish what they're up to (personally and professionally) and also send collaboration requests to their friends. Polywork was created on the idea that people are more than the labels society assigns to them, such as their job title and the school they attended.
Yubo is a live streaming social platform targeted at Gen Z (i.e., under age 30). Create a live video chat with up to 10 people and invite friends to join. Swipe to find like-minded people and connect with communities. Yubo has been through a few iterations, but the French site has been gaining popularity in recent months due to improved integrations of Snapchat along with YouTube.
Poparazzi is a photo-sharing app which lets users create profiles on social networks. Users are notified whenever a follower takes a photo of them. Additionally, members have the full power to remove any photo from their profile. Only followers of members are able to post directly to the profile. Other photos will be displayed on a profile only after members agree to.
Honk is a brand new real-time messaging application. There is no chat history or the ability to send messages. Users can see every message they type in real time, and without moments of emotion and pauses normally missed.
MeWe is an ad-free social network with privacy built in to its design. Users control their own content, manage their interactions and design their privacy. MeWe does not sell or trade information to marketers or advertisers, and there is no targeted advertising. MeWe was launched in 2016 however it has seen huge growth in membership recently thanks to its focus on privacy as well as its new features such as dual-camera videos and MeWe Stories.
Quest is an app that contains career advice soundbites. It's a means for people to get expert advice without having to go through the entire audio. Experts share their knowledge without writing blog posts.
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